Monday 21 October 2013

End of An Earthquake

     As soon as Rentap realised that it was futile to defend Bukit Sadok any longer, he commanded his war men to retreat through the other side of the mountain. Meanwhile, the attacking party of Tuan Muda Charles Brooke rushed over and entered the fortress through the holes made by the shots fromBujang Sadok”; they found that Rentap and his war men had fled. Apparently, they did not meant to give up but only to live to fight another day. And so, firstly, they go to Bukit Lanjak Entimau at the headwaters of Batang Skrang, Lemanak and Engkari. He then head to the Ulu Entabai, the branch of Kanowit and Julau to establish another fortress at Bukit Stulak. As he become older, he moved to Karangan Panggil in Ulu Wak, Pakan and died of natural cause in 1870. He was not buried, but his remnants were kept as supposed to the honourable symbol of the Dayak Iban warriors which was laid down to rest in peace in a morgue called “Lumbong”.

 Rentap's resting place known as a "Lumbong" at Karangan Panggil, Ulu Wak, Pakan

A Memoriam of Warriors

Libau Rentap

Retired Warrant Officer, Kanang Anak Langkau saluting Rentap as a sign of respect towards him

A hall building named after Rentap

To summarize on the legend of Rentap, here is a simple video:

This is made by a student to summarize all about Rentap

To end the story-telling epic warrior called Rentap, here is a video/slideshow as a tribute:

An adapted after-war speech by a British

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The Impregnable Fortress of Bukit Sadok

Rentap: Charge mode

         He did not stop there, Rentap and his men was able to create a fort near the mountains at Bukit Sadok. It was somewhat impenetrable and so was proven. Brooke since then send waves after waves of attacks in 3 different war expeditions that last for years. Rentap kept his men strong with the phrase that he keeps on shouting out to increase the morale of the people, "Agi idup, agi ngelaban" which literally means "as long as we live, we will fight". In the first battle, Rentap won and so did he the second. He even managed to retrieve a cannon called “Bujang Timpang Berang” after he defeated White Rajah Brooke. In time though, comes the third war expedition led by Tuan Muda Charles Brooke, he was to face a stronger force with a more powerful cannon,"Bujang Sadok". After taking massive damage, Rentap starts to have doubts drawn in his face on the impregnability of the fortress...

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